Brand Creation:

Stay relevant to your target audience.


My Brand Creation and Rebranding Services

I help clients stay relevant to their prospects and customers by creating on-target branding.

My expertise in creating branding allows businesses to resonate and with their prospects and customers ensuring my clients are chosen instead of their competitors.

I Provide:

• Full brand design: Logo creation, image styling and recommendation and typography
• Refreshing tired branding
• Evolving existing branding
• Ideal Customer Profiling
• Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA) creation
• Mission and vision statement creation
• Brand consultancy
• Customer journey mapping

Why you need a brand

Do you have a brand or just a logo?
Your logo is not your brand.
So if a brand isn’t a logo what is it?

You have a logo, but is it memorable, appropriate for your audience? Is it being appropriately used and influencing prospects across all your marketing communications?

Your brand is more than a logo. It is a promise of what your customers can expect from you. Businesses sell solutions, experiences, feelings, and ideologies. 

Imagine your business not delivering on what you customers expected because you only have a logo, not a ‘brand’.

Your brand is how you look and talk to your customers, how you make them feel. Your marketing, offices and your people all represent your brand.

I create strong brands.

• Improved branding will generate BETTER leads from decision makers who are closer to your ideal customer profile.

• That means improved lead quality and that reduces customer acquisition costs (CAC); directly impacting profit and/or revenue

• Correct branding means you attract more of the customers YOU want, not the ones who stumble across you. That gives you an immediate improvement in lead quality. And that improves your customer acquisition cost (CAC)

• Because you are now attracting the right customers, they want to stay with you. So that’s an improvement in Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Want to learn more?

If you’re interested in leaning more about how I can support you with branding book a no obligation call with me today.
